Steel Monsters

I remember these in the Sears catalogs, etc. and always wanted them, but never got them. The resemblance to Mad Max was awfully confusing to me. I remember trying to figure out where the Mad Max figure was.

Steel Monsters were a toy series from the Tonka company in the 1980s
Produced in 1986 and 1987 by Tonka, they were well-made and colorful 3-3/4″ figures, each having its own mini-comic. Sub-labeled as “The Only Survivors”, they were very reminiscent of the Mad Max genre, with Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome coming out the year before.


Wheel Boss


Half Track



Wrecker (with Viking)

Metal Face








Even though Metal Face and Punk are pictured with their respected vehicles above, I think they were switched somehow. I seem to remember seeing Metal Face with the Masher and Punk with Bomber, but I left it for consistency with the pictures.

But then again, it does appear to be Metal Face in the ad above.

3 thoughts on “Steel Monsters

  1. I was the artist for Retread, Viking, Tigress and Punk (who I called Mohawk) and am trying to get my hands on some of the figures. I have found Viking and Retread, but not the others (and would love to get them in their original packaging. I have looked at Esty and ebay, to no avail. Do you know where I could find them?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Never got them. I’ve never seen them physically. Always have been internet images to me.

      Original packaging- nice find!


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